
Contact form

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What shipping methods do you offer? We ship through USPS to all 50 states.

How long does the shipping process take? Once your order is processed, it can take 1-7 days for us to dispatch your package. Depending on your state, you should receive your package within 1-3 days after that.

Can I cancel my order? Yes, you can cancel your purchase by emailing us with your order number within 24 hours. We’ll refund the full amount within 10-12 days.

Can I add items to my order after purchase? If you want to add more items, please do so within 24 hours. Add the additional items to your cart, and in the checkout window, use the comments/notes section.

How do I track my package? Once your order is shipped, we’ll provide you with a tracking number.

What are your return and exchange policies?

Return Policy: Returns are accepted within 14 days of the package order date or store purchase date. Items must be in their original condition and packaging, with attached tickets and garment labels. We won’t provide refunds for items we don’t receive or that don’t comply with our Return Policy.

Exchange Policy: Exchanges are accepted within 30 days of the original purchase. Items must be in their original condition with their original packaging. Email us with your order number, and we’ll guide you through the exchange process. Items meeting our product condition requirements may be exchanged for items of equal or lesser value.

Exceptions: Damaged items, those not in original condition, or missing tags are not eligible for refund or exchange.